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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fans Favour Brazil But the Gods Favour Italy

Using the 4 Ps of team success, all the 11 hottest countries for the cup were measured against these parameters and the results are startling!

One thing is certain – we are in for a World Cup of surprises.

Firstly, I want to express that the attached prediction table and the 4 Ps are entirely the imagination and creation of this writer.

The Prediction Table

1. Each column for Preparation, Power, Pedigree and Power carry a maximum weight of 10

2. Assumes that all the 11 teams have made excellent preparations hence the 10 full marks for all the teams

3. Assumes that all the 11 teams have team Power, that is, excellent cohesion and understanding amongst the players

4. Pedigree – This is based on the relative depth of World Cup experience of the teams. Teams without World Cup experience (like South Africa) automatically scored zero.

5. Providence / Invisible Hand of Fate – This is a critical factor that is outside the human control of the teams. This writer recognises the fact that providence, whether induced by experience, hard work or prayers is the major thin line between life’s successes and failures.

Providence may have been at play in Argentina’s first goal against England in the Mexico 1986 World Cup or in England’s Geoff Hurst’s second goal against Germany in the 1966 World Cup finals.

For the purpose of the Prediction Table, Providence was taken as a function of the teams’ World Cup experiences. Consequently, teams like Spain, Portugal, U.S.A and South Africa - that have either not won the World Cup or have not even yet played in the World Cup – were compensated were 5 marks each.

System of Numbers
Beneath the Prediction Table is the System of Numbers Table. The figures in the ‘Year Numerology’ column is the sum of the individual numbers in the ‘Year’ column. That is, Year 1930 = Year Numerology of 1+9+3+0 = 4

So, the ‘Year Numerology’ of Year 2010 = 2+0+1+0 = 3
Looking at the table closely, the only previous World Cup years with ‘Year Numerology’ of 3 are Years 1938 and 1974 which Italy and Germany respectively triumphed.

Italy, in particular, seems set for an encore as the country won it in a Year Numerology of 8 (1934) and successfully retained the Cup the next World Cup year (1938) with a Year numerology of 3!

Italy won it in 2006 with a Year Numerology of 8 and now, the next World Cup year of 2010 also has a Year Numerology of 3! Going by these game of numbers, Italy is strongly favoured by the gods to win and retain the World Cup.

Or, are all these mere coincidences? No, this writer does not think so. History has a sequential pattern of repeating itself – even though no country has successfully defended the World Cup since 1970. That is 30 good years ago. 30 = 3+0 = 3! That is some 40 years ago!

Now the year 1970 has a Year Numerology of 1+9+7+0 = 17 = 1+7 = 8.
Add 40 years to 8 = 48 = 4+8 = 12 = 1+2 = 3! Everything comes back to 3 again!

However, the only strong hand of providence for Brazil lies in the fact that, at least, in the last 16 years (1990 – 2006), Brazil has always won the cup when the hosting was outside the shores of Europe or South America. Brazil won in 1994 in U.S.A and in 2002 in South Korea / Japan.

If the Prediction Table is anything to go by, Brazil may have to eat humble pie and wait till 2014 to host and win. But, Year 2014 has a numerology of 7 which is only unique to Argentina. So, Argentina may likely win in Brazil 2014!

South Africa, backed by strong preparation and a vociferous home base support, is tipped by this writer to reach the last 8. Other African countries will not go beyond the 1st round ,or at most, the second round.

Meanwhile, as they say, ‘’let the games begin’’ and may Italy win again, says the gods.

As Featured On EzineArticles

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